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You and the person above you wake up handcuffed in a police car and what would you say?

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Active Ink Slinger
probably a little too much fun?
Active Ink Slinger
But Offericer I swear Lynara and I was only giving each other a hug goodnight when rbo walked pass
Active Ink Slinger
Okay your deaf and I don't speak english
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Active Ink Slinger
But officer, it wasn't even my shotgun
Advanced Wordsmith
i swear he druggeded me
Active Ink Slinger
I swear she ask for the massage
Advanced Wordsmith
i was on my way to see ginger
Active Ink Slinger
I swear Officer, I only kissed her cheek in a friendly way

Hey Lynara
Advanced Wordsmith
Can I 'Ave me laser pointer?

Hi gr
See the extremes I have to go to, to be alone with you??
Advanced Wordsmith
Active Ink Slinger
i told you to wear panties under that dress
Advanced Wordsmith
and i told you not to dress up like an angel
Forum Facilitator
Thank goodness. I thought it was going to be Ginger again!
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by meredith
Thank goodness. I thought it was going to be Ginger again!

awww but it is me too, cuffed to lynara
Active Ink Slinger
oh rebellious still in denial heehee
Active Ink Slinger
But Officer I was only bring Ginger some tea and soup to help her to feel better
Advanced Wordsmith
Cries as the soup burns my legs
Chasing Dragons
"Erm, Officer, I have been very naughty and should remain cuffed to this nice young lady all night."

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
oh i've been naughty too officer
Active Ink Slinger
if you wanted to see me cuffed you just had to ask
Chasing Dragons
I could never cuff you, Ginger! Oh, I see, Handcuffs!

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AnnaMayZing
I could never cuff you, Ginger! Oh, I see, Handcuffs!

oh you can cuff me anytime anna
Advanced Wordsmith
officer can you drop us off at my place please? we may let you watch
Quote by Lynara
officer can you drop us off at my place please? we may let you watch

It's not bloody fair!!

All of my fantasies were going to come to fruition and now look what you've done!
Active Ink Slinger
drive the get away car and maybe your fantasy will still come true
Active Ink Slinger
But OFFICER I swear Ginger and Lynara are to innocent for their own good.

Hey sweet Gin You and lovely Lynara can use my place as a hideout
I told you not to