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You and the person above you wake up handcuffed in a police car and what would you say?

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Active Ink Slinger
I told you not to walk past the police in your bikini
Active Ink Slinger
it wasn't a bikini... it was bra and panties
Active Ink Slinger
I told you not to get me drunk again
I wish you'd take off those ridiculous's BATman, not CATman! Doh!
Active Ink Slinger
why did you moon the sheriff?
Active Ink Slinger
Why did you say hi to him
Why are you balancing that wooden knob on your head?
Forum Facilitator
Explain what you just said?!? "Oh No! Not again."
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Quote by meredith
Explain what you just said?!? "Oh No! Not again."

Check out ghostreader's avatar 😉

When you said 'that ain't no militia' you may not have been spot on the money...
Active Ink Slinger
holy hell! .. a lion!
Active Ink Slinger
third time this week, dam
I told you that short-cut through the forest was a bad idea...
Active Ink Slinger
oh yea, you thought it was a good idea too
Active Ink Slinger
I told you not to pull on his tail
Advanced Wordsmith
not my fault the cat did it
Active Ink Slinger
awww lynara, you didn't have to get us arrested to get me in handcuffs
Gee Ginger - did you have to show quite so much cleavage back there in the convent?

Hi sweetie!
Active Ink Slinger
it wasn't because i showed cleavage, wasn't much to see. it was because you charged admission

hi norm
I think the nuns felt cheated...that's why they set the cops on us!
Advanced Wordsmith
the lion attacked me. I thought I had the right to defend myself sad

HI, NORM!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I got confused by the leather boots - thought they were antelope hide!

Hi Lynara!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
riding lions is illegal?
Active Ink Slinger
well, it was fun
Advanced Wordsmith
I shouldn't have kissed you there...ahem
Active Ink Slinger
awwww but it was well worth it
Forum Facilitator
I told you not to dance like that on the police cruiser's hood.
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Advanced Wordsmith
I'm just an innocent little girl. go after him
Active Ink Slinger
hopefully they'll put us in the same jail cell
How many more times, Ginger...not while Lynara is watching!

Hi gorgeous ladies!