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You and the person above you wake up handcuffed in a police car and what would you say?

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Quote by ginger86
we have to stop meeting like this

You know, this could be the start of something really special for us...
Giggles, never a regular moment with you is there? Dont worry I dont mind...
Quote by Entangled_Fate
Giggles, never a regular moment with you is there? Don't worry I don't mind...

When I said that I could grow attached to you, this is not what I had in mind exactly. I'm not complaining though...

Active Ink Slinger
Did they really get that on video?
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
YOUR mum's gonna kill me!!
Active Ink Slinger
I didn't realise you were into pink, fluffy handcuffs, Andy...
Active Ink Slinger
Did you really show them your dragon dress again?
Active Ink Slinger
Well... we knew the job was dangerous when we took it.
Active Ink Slinger
another fine mess we ended up in together
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Lets do that again
Active Ink Slinger
hi there cutie
Active Ink Slinger
I told you not to do the bonfire dance when we should just look at the starlit sky

Hey sweet Gin
Dont worry, my brother loves me and he loves tattoo too silly
Honestly, you'd thought I would have learnt my lesson after the last time I went out with you!
I told you no one should get between me and my ice cream.
Active Ink Slinger
I told you not to wear the Cat Woman outfit and now look at us now handcuffed together again
Active Ink Slinger
huh! you again?
Active Ink Slinger
This happened last time we went drinking. I'm beginning to notice a pattern here.
Active Ink Slinger
I'll take the blame for you Anna
Active Ink Slinger
If we keep to the same story we should get released.
Active Ink Slinger
but snoop said it was legal
Explain the bit about us getting arrested again. I don't remember you mentioning that before...
Active Ink Slinger
awwww hell, it was fun though
Active Ink Slinger
I can't believe you had the cop bow to your gingerness
Active Ink Slinger
Im not helping you get into Gingers window ever again!!!
Active Ink Slinger
I told you that Robocop will get mad if you steal his robot dance moves
Active Ink Slinger
how did they find handcuffs small enough to fit you paws?
Active Ink Slinger
I didn't know the handcuff look so good on you