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what would you like to hear first after waking up tomorrow morning?

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AriesDragon
still wanting to hear rain on the roof (instead of monkeys rearranging my roof tiles)

...and I thought I had problems with gray squirrel running around in the unfinished attic area!! Sounds like an elephant there!! lol!!

Like to hear a nicker from the mare instead of her toe kicking the stall door!!
Quote by snoop
Quote by AriesDragon
still wanting to hear rain on the roof (instead of monkeys rearranging my roof tiles)

...and I thought I had problems with gray squirrel running around in the unfinished attic area!! Sounds like an elephant there!! lol!!

Like to hear a nicker from the mare instead of her toe kicking the stall door!!

How is the mare.. still as demanding as ever?

I'd like to hear the birds singing instead of the squwark from that dratted crow that woke me up this morning!!
Active Ink Slinger
There is no sadness in the world.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
the knock on my door as the early morning tea tray is brought in
Active Ink Slinger
water kettle whistling
I don't know why so don't ask... but the voice of the guy of my dreams...
Active Ink Slinger
"I've already fed the horse this morning"
Active Ink Slinger
Were your dreams sweet last night?
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Primus Omnium
Edith Piaf singing Je ne regrette rien.
that the PSF meeting at school has been cancelled, so I can come straight home
Active Ink Slinger
The past few weeks have just been a bad dream.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
the sound of the kettle boiling
A call from the lottery commission telling me I hit the jackpot!
A voice telling me to sleep some more
Quote by AlphaDaedalian11
A voice telling me to sleep some more

I hear those voices everyday
Active Ink Slinger
Go back to sleep...I've already fed Phony Pony this morning.
a murmur in my ear... "Good morning my love"
Active Ink Slinger
You just won the lottery
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
scrathing at the door and a sweet mew of my darling cat.
Active Ink Slinger
I enjoy the clucking sound of the flock of wild turkeys as they pass through the yard each morning. Its really quite a sight to see with 2 dozen or more just slowly picking their way across the yard.
A small chime of someone waiting for my response.
Active Ink Slinger
sound of bacon sizzling in the frying pan
Active Ink Slinger
I would love to hear the sound of Ashley breathing in my ear as she still sleeps.
Active Ink Slinger
The sound of my mother's voice telling me to get up for school...

but, sadly we really can't go back to relive our life.
Please read A Gilded Cage and tell me what you think... Really!
Active Ink Slinger
"Pop-Pop...get up!!"