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what would you like to hear first after waking up tomorrow morning?

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Quote by Divine_Warrior

Elizabeth fell on the treadmill (and she was laughing too)
Active Ink Slinger
his soft snores in my ear.
~purple addict~
Rest in Peace
happiness knocking on my door...
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Harps playing to the rain as it falls...

Hands up lolol
You don't have to go to school
Meow meow and purr purr
Rebel has become the main singer in Royal choir
Quote by awake
Rebel has become the main singer in Royal choir

... La?
Quote by awake
Quote by Divine_Warrior

Elizabeth fell on the treadmill (and she was laughing too)

My oh my, am I ok?!?!?!?
Quote by ThodinJotenskagen

Active Ink Slinger
Go back to sleep it is only 3 AM.
I just keep hopping from place to place.
I never stay too long.
I just keep moving singing a song.
So you better stop me if you want to chat.
Or you will never know where I am at.
The soft warm breeze over the lapping water of a small bay, the distant sound of ducks and geese on a tiny island about twenty yards away. Leaves rustling from the old tree in the yard and creaking from the chain the swing chair is suspended on...
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
The soft warm breeze over the lapping water of a small bay, the distant sound of ducks and geese on a tiny island about twenty yards away. Leaves rustling from the old tree in the yard and creaking from the chain the swing chair is suspended on...

Rebel knocking my door
Santa ate the cookies.GjmlKI5VqXxzjdxh
"Good morning. Guess what...the police came and got him!"
Quote by LejuraShane
"Good morning. Guess what...the police came and got him!"

I guess it really depends on who is him
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by LejuraShane
"Good morning. Guess what...the police came and got him!"

I guess it really depends on who is him

Rebel is under romantic arrest
Santa granted all your wish biggrin that would make me extremely happy :D silly
Rookie Scribe
Sam Winchester....Or Eliot Spencer's voice next to me. XD
There's a ship out On the ocean At the mercy of the sea
It's been tossed about Lost and broken Wandering aimlessly
And God somehow You know that ship is me 'Cause there's a lighthouse
In the harbour Shining faithfully Pouring its light out Across the water
For this sinking soul to see That someone out there Still believes in me
On a prayer, in a song I hear your voice and It keeps me hanging on Raining down Against the wind
I'm reaching out till We reach the circle's end When you come Back to me again