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White Rose

Early riser.

Read a novella or collection of short stories?

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Peace and the beauty of nature on a summer's night.

White Rose

Online. I do not shop much but when I do I find it easier to shop online. Sometimes I like going in person to thrift stores. The only exception is for gardening. Then I prefer in person. Visiting the nurseries around here is so serene and beautiful.

Peanut butter: Creamy or With nuts?

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Peace and the beauty of nature on a summer's night.

Chasing Dragons

Or neither? Don't like the texture.

Fruit scone or cheese scone?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

White Rose

Fruit scone.

Tomato or Potato?

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Peace and the beauty of nature on a summer's night.

Crazy old ape

Tomato. Potato is okay as a staple starch and enjoyable if done right but tomato packs more flavour.

Tomato sliced up in a salad or as a sauce?

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

White Rose

Sauce. Although I usually push the big tomato pieces aside. I do not care much for tomatoes.

Grow a strawberry plant or tomato plant?

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Peace and the beauty of nature on a summer's night.

Crazy old ape

Strawberry, though either is good. Not sure which is easier.

Fruity tea (like an Earl Grey or lemon) or Spice tea (like a chai)?

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

White Rose

Fruity tea.

Slices of lime or lemon in water?

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Peace and the beauty of nature on a summer's night.

White Rose

Neither have ever really piqued my interest.

Autumn or Spring?

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Peace and the beauty of nature on a summer's night.

Crazy old ape

Autumn, though both have their appeal and are superior, IMHO, to Winter and Summer around here.

Apple pie or pumpkin pie?

On the beauty that lies beneath - Beyond the Veil comp entry!

White Rose

Apple pie. I do like my mother’s pumpkin pie, but not nearly like I enjoy apple pie.

Visit an apple orchard or a pumpkin festival?

The Veil Between Good and Evil

"Beyond The Veil" Competition Top 10: Good and evil exist beyond the veil.


Peace and the beauty of nature on a summer's night.