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This or That

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Active Ink Slinger
wow ..i like them both i will have to go with action today

coke or pepsi
Active Ink Slinger
Coke. I can't stand pepsi. I would ban it if I was a dictator

Pizza or Burger?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
*glomps* Elit ..good man ..i dont like pepsi either. Hey i like both but if ur ordering pizza then im in too ..vegetarian with loads of cheese please ..thanks

beer or wine
Active Ink Slinger
Beer. I can't stand wine. I actually feel sick if I have more than half a glass =P

Vodka or Tequila

Hmmm, I seem to be thinking a lot about alcohol today. Maybe because I play the tuba. Like my conductor said the other day "Have you heard the one about the four tuba players that walked past a bar? Well, it could have happened..."
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger

darts or snooker?
Active Ink Slinger
Gotta go with darts. Nothing like being in the ally pally

Football(soccer for you yanks) or Rugby?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger

Strip poker or roulette?
Active Ink Slinger
Most likely strip poker, but depends on the participants

Drinks from can or bottle?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
omg a girl ..bottle with a straw thanks

drinks at home or drinks at the local
Active Ink Slinger
Considering drinks at the local is often two-three times the price they are at home, I think I might have to go for home =P

Cold and sunny or warm and rainy?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
cold and sunny

Truth or Dare?
Active Ink Slinger
il settle for truth anytime ..dare always gets me into trouble

singing or dancing
Active Ink Slinger

ketchup or mustard on your hot dog
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
tomatoe sauce please

rice or bread
Active Ink Slinger
Bread. Rice can't compare to proper home made bread

good book or good movie?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
you have some good books and you have some good movies take book for now since i saw two movies yesterday

writing or reading
Active Ink Slinger
Reading. Since Writing tends to frustrate me when I can't get it right

Gaming on a computer or a console?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
console anytime ..bring it on ps ..woohoo

playstation or xbox
Active Ink Slinger

ravioli or lasagna?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger

am or pm?
Active Ink Slinger
I'll go for PM

the 12 hour system or the 24 hour system when it comes to telling time?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
always a 12 hour system even tho phone is set to a 24 hour

be a driver or be a passenger
Active Ink Slinger
be a driver

take pictures or have picture taken?
We don't know how much we don't know.
Active Ink Slinger
i soo hate hvn my pic take ..more than happy to take pictures

scooter or bike
Active Ink Slinger
Bike. Scooter is for girls

Train or plane?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!

Music or Books
Active Ink Slinger
ohh i love both ..ahm go with music for now

beach or pool
Active Ink Slinger
Pool. I hate the sand

having the giggles for a long time or a few seconds of laughing hard and loud?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!
Active Ink Slinger
a few seconds of laughing haard and loud ..BUT many

beach party or pool party
Active Ink Slinger
Pool Party. Last time I went to a beach party I got piss drunk, slept outside and didn't wake up until noon, making me sunburnt and my lips dry and flaky for the next couple of days. Not to mention I was hungover two days

Teaching or learning?
A signature? Bah! Damned be your signatures and their feeble minded minions. I will have no signature so that every post is unique!