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Active Ink Slinger
Her writing is very meaningful and well worth a few minutes of your time to read her work.
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Rick is a good writer, so caring and kind and someone I'm proud to call my friend
Active Ink Slinger
She is awesome and I just "adopted" her, but she doesn't know it yet! lol! I'm proud of her!!
Rick seems to be well loved by everyone here! I know I'd like to give him a big hug...
Active Ink Slinger
Jayne...You can't just "give" a big hug without receiving one in reply....((((isis_rising)))) ... so there is your hug. (a kiss on the cheek, too)
Rick... is quirky. Sharp, and has quick witt and a silver tongue.
Rebs has blue eyes
That do me hypnotize
She is the wondergirl
Bright shine of a pearl
She has vivid imagination
Great ability of creation
She is the queen of this place
Brings everyone fun and solace!
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Swaps is kind and caring and can alway make me laugh
Active Ink Slinger
Kat is a good friend, whom is always there when you need her.
Sin is a great friend who is a kind and caring person. Lucky to have a friend like her smile thank you, Sin.
Active Ink Slinger
Awww Hun but I'm also a very lucky person to have you as one of my best friends, your always there with your kindness and friendly words of advice when needed. Thanks my friend!!!
I don't know her, but from her profile I would say that she is dependable, caring and very loving
he's my handsome soul mate
She's my spoiled brat but I love her.
He has a big heart and is very loving and supportive. I love him.
She is the sweetest woman on earth .. and she is my baby.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by clement
She's my spoiled brat but I love her.

I concur, and especially the "but I love her".

Be a good man and be good to our baby!
He's the best 'Dad' a girl could ask for.
She has a good soul
Active Ink Slinger
A truly gifted / talented wildlife artist with a burning passion for conservation / preservation of endangered species.
Quote by aussie_kitty77
Swaps is kind and caring and can always make me laugh

Kat is a sensitive, kind and lighthearted lady that everyone like...Being with her is fun
Forum Facilitator
Insightful poster in forums. Always has a kind word mixed with a charming wit.
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
A good writer and friend. James is a very caring gentleman who I respect very much.
Forum Facilitator
Joan is one of the first friends I made here.
A true Florence Nightingale to on end
She's one of the classiest people I know.
Humbled that she calls me friend.
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't know Meredith however from what I've seen of him around SS and a lovely comment he left on one of my poems, I would guess he is a sweet person. He likes tasteful B&W images, as I do and dislikes exercising at a gym. Something I also dislike.(The exercising part, not the gym) I think he would be a good friend.
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Lisa is a wonderful caring helpful person whose love for unicorns is well known from her latest well written poem

Doesn't judge and puts up with my random ranting. Thanks for being there.
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
A talented author a good and caring friend.
She's a sweet and lovely little hairy kitten that she is