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Say something nice about the person above/before you

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A friend to many
He's nice, he's kind and he amuses me
Active Ink Slinger
A good friend that I don't get to talk with often.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Active Ink Slinger
Seems young and tenacious.
Talented and comitted.
When You Don't Feel Like Smiling, Smile Anyway
He's a sweet friend, full of energy.
(and...yeye anapenda kujaribu kuongea swahili smile )
Active Ink Slinger
passionate about her life!!
He's a gem... and.... he's an expert at house training a dog
sweet and quick witted
Active Ink Slinger
Chicken Lasagne.home-made.

And I said tafadhali sema polepole
OR waweza kuiandika?
Wait a minute...
Choo kiko wapi?
and when i come back ...
Tucheche ngoma?
When You Don't Feel Like Smiling, Smile Anyway
Active Ink Slinger
smartness personified
Open hearted, and blunt. Very blunt. (Not a bad thing either biggrin)
Active Ink Slinger
Always remembers my birthday?
Great imagination.
When You Don't Feel Like Smiling, Smile Anyway
Active Ink Slinger
knows no strangers...a friend to all.
Um... I give you a poke too??? Anyways he's like a fuzzy teddybear.
Active Ink Slinger
She is the greatest 'end of the line' player, ever.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
He is a master writer, with a grand sense of realism.
Active Ink Slinger
One of the finest, truest, non-judgemental on-line friends I have
A true gentleman. A wonderful person and a dear, dear friend.
A very special friend whom I value immensely. He is always there when I need a chat or a laugh.
Active Ink Slinger
She'll never know fully how much her friendship means.
Active Ink Slinger
If I had a daughter, I would want here to be just like Reb. I couldn't ask for more.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.