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Riddle me this

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Quote by AnnaMayZing
I would say 'Nine' since the one brother is the same to all of his sisters. Welcome to Stories Space, Hugh.

How is it possible to make Twelve pence (or cents) with just two coins when one of the coins is not a Ten Pence (or cent) piece?

I thought someone would have guessed this by now ... The answer is 10p and 2p, one of them isn't 10p but the other one is.

New Riddle:
I have cities but no houses, mountains but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
Chasing Dragons
A Map?

How many animals did Moses take onto the Ark?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by AnnaMayZing
A Map?

How many animals did Moses take onto the Ark?

That would have been Noah. Two of each kind.

How far can a dog run into the woods?
Chasing Dragons
Quote by Milik_Simplicity
Quote by AnnaMayZing
A Map?

How many animals did Moses take onto the Ark?

That would have been Noah. Two of each kind.

How far can a dog run into the woods?

Actually, you are wrong. The answer is Moses took no animals into the Ark!

The answer to yours, of course, is half way after which he is running out again.

How can I turn 9 into 6 with just one stroke of the pen?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by AnnaMayZing
Quote by Milik_Simplicity
Quote by AnnaMayZing
A Map?

How many animals did Moses take onto the Ark?

That would have been Noah. Two of each kind.

How far can a dog run into the woods?

Actually, you are wrong. The answer is Moses took no animals into the Ark!

The answer to yours, of course, is half way after which he is running out again.

How can I turn 9 into 6 with just one stroke of the pen?

Well played.

Put the pin at the coroner of the paper and rotate the paper 180* instant 6.eDzUdcnkQ7HhJg3T

What was the (us) Presidents name in 1974, the year Nixon resigned?
Chasing Dragons
I imagine his name was, erm... Nixon?

I am afraid that your answer is wrong. I did ask for 'just one stroke of the pen'.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by AnnaMayZing
I imagine his name was, erm... Nixon?

I am afraid that your answer is wrong. I did ask for 'just one stroke of the pen'.

Actually, that would be one stroke, semi circle without lifting. I fulfilled your directions. Perhaps you shouid have stipulated writing?

You are wrong. The US President, Donald Trump was 28 at the time.

What had three legs and cannot run?
Chasing Dragons
Well, to be fair, I don't really agree that using a pen as a pin constitutes 'a stroke of the pen' when the mark was caused by the movement of the paper and besides, the only permitted action is a stroke of the pen. It didn't say that you can move the paper.

Well, touché. I like that one.

A milking stool has three legs but cannot run.

I won't add another until the last was correctly answered.

How can I turn 9 into 6 with just one stroke of the pen?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by AnnaMayZing
Well, to be fair, I don't really agree that using a pen as a pin constitutes 'a stroke of the pen' when the mark was caused by the movement of the paper.

Well, touché. I like that one.

A milking stool has three legs but cannot run.

I won't add another until the last was correctly answered.

Yes, a stool.

While I may have misspelled pin vs pen, I maintain my answer was in compliance to your question. An answer you were not expecting can still be correct. The trick is in formulating your question against trickery.

Impasse I suppose.
Chasing Dragons
Quote by Milik_Simplicity
Quote by AnnaMayZing
Well, to be fair, I don't really agree that using a pen as a pin constitutes 'a stroke of the pen' when the mark was caused by the movement of the paper.

Well, touché. I like that one.

A milking stool has three legs but cannot run.

I won't add another until the last was correctly answered.

Yes, a stool.

While I may have misspelled pin vs pen, I maintain my answer was in compliance to your question. An answer you were not expecting can still be correct. The trick is in formulating your question against trickery.

Impasse I suppose.

But what about the only permissible action being the stroke of the pen. You moved the paper which is outside the remit...

How can I turn 9 into 6 with just one stroke of the pen?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by AnnaMayZing
Quote by Milik_Simplicity
Quote by AnnaMayZing
Well, to be fair, I don't really agree that using a pen as a pin constitutes 'a stroke of the pen' when the mark was caused by the movement of the paper.

Well, touché. I like that one.

A milking stool has three legs but cannot run.

I won't add another until the last was correctly answered.

Yes, a stool.

While I may have misspelled pin vs pen, I maintain my answer was in compliance to your question. An answer you were not expecting can still be correct. The trick is in formulating your question against trickery.

Impasse I suppose.

But what about the only permissible action being the stroke of the pen. You moved the paper which is outside the remit...

How can I turn 9 into 6 with just one stroke of the pen?

Sigh. Your directions are so vague. I could enclose the empty bottom of the nine and erase the top part, but I sense you want a more clever answer. So,

Draw an S in front of the Roman numeral IX and it spells 6 ( SIX ).

I still like my answer better

I am white and have two wings. I cannot fly and my direction changes every four years. What am I?
Chasing Dragons
Quote by Milik_Simplicity

Sigh. Your directions are so vague. I could enclose the empty bottom of the nine and erase the top part, but I sense you want a more clever answer. So,

Draw an S in front of the Roman numeral IX and it spells 6 ( SIX ).

I still like my answer better

I am white and have two wings. I cannot fly and my direction changes every four years. What am I?

But your answer involves a stroke of the pen and the use of an eraser... What is difficult about 'Just one stroke of the pen'? Nothing else is permitted. Nothing at all.
Your answer is now correct, of course so I will ponder yours.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Chasing Dragons
Quote by Milik_Simplicity

I am white and have two wings. I cannot fly and my direction changes every four years. What am I?

I am taking a guess at the White House?

But then, if the president gets re-elected...

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Chasing Dragons
I am worth very much, and you cannot buy me.
Yet I am yours, if you like, completely free.
I am here for you, when you are sad
and I do not judge even, when you do things that are bad
I lift you up high, when you're feeling so low,
supporting you, protect you from foes.
I soothe your fears and ease your pain,
I listen to your worries, again and again.
I am there when you need me and not when you don't,
I know when you will and know when you won't
So what am I then, that will last till the end?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Chasing Dragons
Quote by AnnaMayZing
I am worth very much, and you cannot buy me.
Yet I am yours, if you like, completely free.
I am here for you, when you are sad
and I do not judge even, when you do things that are bad
I lift you up high, when you're feeling so low,
supporting you, protect you from foes.
I soothe your fears and ease your pain,
I listen to your worries, again and again.
I am there when you need me and not when you don't,
I know when you will and know when you won't
So what am I then, that will last till the end?

The answer lies within this site.yBxHUoVOaazgAnNi

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Chasing Dragons
No takers? Oh dear.
The last two lines of my poem read...

"I think that you guessed it...
I am your friend."

Following a tip-off, Police officers break into a room where they find a dead body hanging from a rope attached to a ring in the ceiling about ten feet above them. The room, which has no windows, is completely empty apart from an electric heater which is turned on and a puddle of liquid on the floor. Since the only door was locked and bolted from the inside and the ceiling was devoid of any hatchway, the investigator concluded that the victim had committed suicide but how, when the ring was too high to reach?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
The person that committed suicide stood on a block of ice to tie the rope to the ring in the ceiling and then around his neck. After he hanged himself the heater melted the ice.

The middle of middle and the end of end
The first thing to destroy and the last thing to mend
Chasing Dragons
The letter 'd'

What always ends everything?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
The letter “g”.

When I was in college I worked at a Burger King where I would run the drive-thru window from 8 pm until close. As a cashier, it was my responsability to count the money in my drawer at the beginning of my shift to verify that there was $75.00 in the drawer. One day I was handed the drawer to count by a manager and I just glanced at the drawer and announced to the manager that the drawer did not have $75.00 in it.

The drawer did have money in it and when I did count the money it came to $76.32. How did I know at one glance that the drawer did not have exactly $75.00 in it?
Chasing Dragons
Because there was $1.32 in change?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
That is close Anna.

I will give you a clue. It has to do with the number of pennies in the drawer.
Chasing Dragons
I gather you don't have 2 cent coins so two pennies would preclude making a full dollar with any other coins?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AnnaMayZing
Quote by AnnaMayZing
I am worth very much, and you cannot buy me.
Yet I am yours, if you like, completely free.
I am here for you, when you are sad
and I do not judge even, when you do things that are bad
I lift you up high, when you're feeling so low,
supporting you, protect you from foes.
I soothe your fears and ease your pain,
I listen to your worries, again and again.
I am there when you need me and not when you don't,
I know when you will and know when you won't
So what am I then, that will last till the end?

The answer lies within this site.mhKFJhQLAnc8RPjf

The first time I read this I thought, "Oh that's Anna in my dreams!"

Sorry Anna.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AnnaMayZing
I gather you don't have 2 cent coins so two pennies would preclude making a full dollar with any other coins?

You are correct Anna. I saw seven pennies in the drawer. Unless there were either no pennies or an integer multiple of five pennies in the drawer it would be impossible for the money in the drawer to equal exactly $75.00.

Go ahead and leave your riddle Anna.

(I guess my riddle was rather United States-centric. The coins that are legal tender in the USA are the penny-equal to $.01, the nickel-equal to $.05, The dime-equal to $.10, the quarter-equal to $.25, the half dollar-equal to $.50, and a dollar coin-equal to $1.00. There are no half pence or two pence coins. There were some coins of the ha’penny or tuppence minted early is the history of the USA but any such coins would be very valuable to coin collectors today and not used for general circulation.)
Active Ink Slinger
He who builds me doesn’t use me.
He who buys me has no personal use for me.
He who uses me has no knowledge that he uses me.
What am I?
Chasing Dragons
Sorry, I was away for a few days.

I live in a house with four walls all facing south.
In each wall is a window.
One day, a bear jumps in through one window, runs across the room and out through the opposite window.
What colour was the bear?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Chasing Dragons
Quote by Tiger
Quote by AnnaMayZing
Quote by AnnaMayZing
I am worth very much, and you cannot buy me.
Yet I am yours, if you like, completely free.
I am here for you, when you are sad
and I do not judge even, when you do things that are bad
I lift you up high, when you're feeling so low,
supporting you, protect you from foes.
I soothe your fears and ease your pain,
I listen to your worries, again and again.
I am there when you need me and not when you don't,
I know when you will and know when you won't
So what am I then, that will last till the end?

The answer lies within this site.tx9TiaTDAMRPX5PV

The first time I read this I thought, "Oh that's Anna in my dreams!"

Sorry Anna.

No need for apologies.
Have you seen my other poems here?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
The Bear was white, it was a polar bear. The only place that a building can have four walls facing south is at the North Pole. Hence, it was a polar bear.

What name is both a pun and the palindrome of Bright Fame?
Chasing Dragons

My first is in Apple but never in Fruit
My next is in night-time not stars that shoot.
My third is in normal but could be insane
My forth? In Fable though in legend no fame.
Who am I?

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
You are Anna.

Usung only pennies($.01), nickels($.05), dimes($.10), quarters($.25), and half dollars($.50) what is the largest amount of money you can have where you can’t use a combination of smaller coins to equal a larger coin? Here are examples of combinations that you couldn’t use; You couldn’t use five or more pennies because five pennies has an equal value to a nickel, you couldn’t use ten pennies with one dime and one nickel because that would equal one quarter, or you can’t use two half dollars because it would be equal to one dollar.

Here is a clue; the correct answer is not $.94.