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He is an opera singer and practices his high notes in a china department in the mall.

He is constantly breaking the crystal with his high notes...

Quote by rbo
he hides in public toilets waiting for the right person.

Are you Mr. Right... I mean Miss. Right?

Mysteria is a mystery no one can solve
never uses the litter box
She wears her socks inside out and outside in
was once involved with Mysteria in running a prostitution ring
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
Was once in a ring of shotguns
Frighten Casper once.
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
licks the cream filling out of oreos then puts them back in the package
She took on the Evil Queen in a duel as the Wicked witch of the west
Captures mice and makes them clean his house.

sugarbritches chases, then wrestles polar bears for exercise
she snorts when she laughs
When she passes gas, flames shoots out her bottom
He can change the color of his eyes, by simply changing his contacts. If they are!
SB has a passion for llamas. She owns at least two Andean llama farms...
andy always rides his bicycle backwards, not concerned where he's going,more interested in where he's been
Ginger has had more relationships than she can count. That she can only count to seven is probably why...
Andy once launched himself into space with a bunch of helium balloons whilst wearing an Arsenal Helmet and jean dungarees.
Kiera wears her shirt up side down and inside out
Quote by Ghostreader
When she passes gas, flames shoots out her bottom

He loves to stand behind me when this happens
I have heard she is a Dragon tamer but may require some assistance.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Thinks she can fly with the aid of party balloons...

Alan cries freely at the sight of daffodils in full bloom in springtime...
Sat in curlers for an hour for his avatar picture 😀
Acted the part of the angel at the school nativity play - at sixteen years old!
He starred in the hit show...

Wears different size shoes on different feet just for the hell of it
Puts his Christmas tree upside down.
That way he can get more gifts under it.

"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
He likes radioactive mice. Says they have a spicy little kick.