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Name That Movie

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Okay rules are easy. The first person gives a quote or picture from any movie. The next person names the movie, and then gives their own quote or picture. Simple! Quotes can be a single line, a full speech or even a conversation. If you want to give a clue to what movie you’ve quoted give the actor/actress name or the character name(s).

I’ll start:
“Good Morning.
In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join other from around the world, and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. Mankind. That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the 4th of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom… not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution… but from annihilation. We are fight for our right to live. To Exist. And should we win the day… the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday… but as the day when the world declared in one voice, we will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive! Today we celebrate our independence day!”
Independance day

Charlie didn't get much USO. He was dug in too deep or moving too fast. His idea of great R&R was cold rice and a little rat meat. He had only two ways home: death, or victory.
New Poem out

The Observer
Apocalypse Now. (Regular, or redux?)

"Y'all got on this boat for different reasons, but y'all come to the same place. So now I'm asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. Sure as I know anything, I know this - they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, ten? They'll swing back to the belief that they can make people... better. And I do not hold to that. So no more runnin'. I aim to misbehave."
Serenity - Capt Malcolm Reynolds

"Some people without any brains do an awful lot of talking now don't they?"
Either "Cool Hand Luke", or "Smokey and the Bandit", take your pick.

"She knows it's a Multi-Pass..."
The 5th Element

I'm glad you remember me. Yeah, a man should remember his past. Kansas City, four years ago, you ran out on me... You left me sittin' there.
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
Escape from New York ( Snake Plissken)

"You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity."
Toy Story (Buzz Lightyear)

"You idiots! . . . There's grass in the autofocus mount, that's why it jammed. Damn it, Larry, didn't you clean it yesterday?"

This is right at the start of the movie, not even ten minutes in. A woman is speaking.
I got the quote out of the original screen play, so the words may be just a bit different from the movie itself.
Okay I geuss that one was a bit to hard. It was Twister.

Heres a new one:

"I'm feeling a bit of a draft in my nether regions, and I must say... It's quite refreashing."

Hint: The actor who says this is also in the Underworld movies.
The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen,Rodney Skinner 'The Invisible Man'

None shall pass.
None shall pass.
I have no quarrel with you good sir knight, but i must cross this bridge.
Then you shall die.
I command you, as Arthur King of the Britians to stand aside.
I move... for no man.
So be it!
The Dark Knight, Monty Python and the Holy Grail

But WHAT? My children are in need of medical assistance! And you can sit here and smugly lecture me on the importance of tests? Tests which exist to pigeonhole children's potential, a thing which cannot *possibly* be measured, least of all by anal compulsive HUNS! And my husband may be a "large child," but that's none of your business! And my children may be rotten, but they're MINE. And I think that they're bright, and sensitive, so I have no doubts whatsoever about their intelligence. I do however have *serious* doubts about YOURS.
The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me. ~Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
Overboard - Joanna Stayton/Annie Proffitt played by Goldie Hawn

"You don't like it.

I don't like a lot of things.

I don't like your men sitting on the road bottling up this town.

I don't like your men watching us, trying to catch us with our backs turned.

And I don't like it when a friend of mine offers to help...

...and minutes later he's dead!

And I don't like you, Burdette, because you set it up."
Rio Bravo - Sheriff John T Chance (John Wayne)

"I believe in the soul ... the small of a woman's back, the hanging curveball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days."
”Be Yourself Because Everyone Else Is Already Taken!” ~~~ Charles Shulz
Bull Durham - Crash Davis (Kevin Cosner)

"They're pissing on us and not even giving us the courtesy of calling it rain."

"Out there beyond that fence every living thing that crawls, flies, or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes."

(The quotes are not in order or even from the same sceen.)
Avatar - Dr Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver)

"And sitting on our butts is not going to help us either. Maybe by climbing out of here, we can save ourselves. If you've got any sense, you'll come along with us."
”Be Yourself Because Everyone Else Is Already Taken!” ~~~ Charles Shulz
Quote by SilverArdorDragon
Bull Durham - Crash Davis (Kevin Cosner)

"They're pissing on us and not even giving us the courtesy of calling it rain."

"Out there beyond that fence every living thing that crawls, flies, or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes."

(The quotes are not in order or even from the same sceen.)

Second Quote is from - Colonel Miles Quaritch (Stephan Lang)
”Be Yourself Because Everyone Else Is Already Taken!” ~~~ Charles Shulz
Quote by Charlie_Brown
Quote by SilverArdorDragon
Bull Durham - Crash Davis (Kevin Cosner)

"They're pissing on us and not even giving us the courtesy of calling it rain."

"Out there beyond that fence every living thing that crawls, flies, or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes."

(The quotes are not in order or even from the same sceen.)

Second Quote is from - Colonel Miles Quaritch (Stephan Lang)

I love those 2 quotes, they crack me up every time.

Well on to a new movie:

"Make your peace with God A.J.!"
Armageddon 1998

Harry Stamper (Bruce Willis) to A.J. Frost (Ben Affleck)

First Actor: "I'm melting. I'm melting."

Second Actor: "That is so cool."

Hint: It is not Wizard of Oz
”Be Yourself Because Everyone Else Is Already Taken!” ~~~ Charles Shulz
Field of dreams. That and The Color Purple always make me cry at the end.

Alright, next. Name that tune in one word.



I cheated big time, but this thread has been dormant for months.
I think, THINK, this is a Pulp Fiction reference, and the song is Flowers on the Wall.

Do correct me if I'm wrong. In the mean time, a really easy one to get this thread moving again:

"Get away from her, you bitch!"
Blog | Twitter | Website - The Great Escape

My new four part novella, The Star Coin Prophesy is now
available to read on my website, The Great Escape:
e2ZeQHyELydH DphdhpCccL3x
Aliens (Ripley)

"Your lies are old but you tell them pretty good."
U Turn

"You is kind, You is smart, You is important"
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Hey go to see you S A G

"What we have here is a failure to communicate"
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Cool Hand Luke

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming ! Just keep swimming swimming swimming swimming, what do we do ? we swim, swim! "

"When a girl says don't worry about it', you better worry about it."
Finding Nemo

Man One: Pain is your friend, your ally, it will tell you when you are seriously injured, it will keep you awake and angry, and remind you to finish the job and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain?
Man Two: Don't know!
Man One: It lets you know you're not dead yet!

(Thanks CKAcres)
G.I. Jane

Len Peterson: Brody, this is nothing! Seaweed, mud, something on the lens...
Martin Brody: Lens my ass!
Len Peterson: You're damn right it's your ass!

"When a girl says don't worry about it', you better worry about it."