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Name That Movie

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Chasing Dragons

"I don't reckon you've got long. Seen that before. Gut wound. The slug's probably torn right through your liver. Mate of mine in Ulster got caught in sniper fire. Bullet blew his inside out. He screamed for a good 10 minutes. We couldn't send a medic in, the section was too hot. So we all took cover... and watched him die. I've never told that... to anyone... you should've called an ambulance... for the girl... "

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Forum Facilitator

KS: "Let's have a drink for old times' sake."

BC: "Old times' sake? That means you got no cash."
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Chasing Dragons

"Oh, grow up. What, you think this is a game of kickball on the playground? You never had a chance to defeat me, fool! And you know why?"
"Because you cheated?"
"No, not because I cheated! Because I'm an evil genius. And you're just a kid."

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Primus Omnium
The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie

00:45:42 Come on, let's have you outside. Outside!

00:45:48 - Look lively with that crutch, Spinks. - It can't bring itself, can it?

00:45:51 Come on! On your feet!

00:45:54 - No flags, then, Sarge? - Very comical, Burgess.

00:45:58 - Sergeant! - Yes, lad?
Forum Facilitator

I am not illiterate! My parents were married!
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Chasing Dragons

"Forgive my intrusion, miss. But I have come to escort you to your room."
"My room? But I thought..."
"Oh, what?"
"That once this door closes, it will never open again!"
"I know! He gets so dramatic."

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Primus Omnium
Beauty and the Beast

You'd best be calling on that god that reveals himself to you on earth, 'cause you won't be seeing him where you're going.
Chasing Dragons

"This is a dream!"
"This is as real as it gets for you buddy."

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Forum Facilitator

I almost fell down a well yesterday, Mom.


I would've died.

That's nice.
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Chasing Dragons

"I had your job once. I was good at it."
"Things were simpler then. "

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Chasing Dragons

"I didn't steal him, I didn't steal any of them, they all just... jumped ship."

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Active Ink Slinger
Death Proof

“Would The doctor care for a brandy before retiring?”

“No thank you.”

“Some warm milk, perhaps?”

“No, thank you very much. No thanks.”

Forum Facilitator
Classic line from a Mel Brookes movie!

I'm going with you. I can draw pretty fast. We can be famous -- like the Dalton Brothers!

They're famous -- but they're just a little bit dead. They were hung!
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Active Ink Slinger
The sons of Katie Elder

No sir, I didn’t see you playing with your dolls again!

Now why would Liza agree to this?

It's the law of physics. Whenever there's this much gay in one room, Liza manifests.
Active Ink Slinger
Sex in the City II.

I loved him...he hardly ever beat us!

Listen to what I'm yelling you. You go find a doctor. Get me Doctor Kildare. Get me Doctor Livingston. Get me Doctor Frankenstein. Just get me a doctor! Go where the- go where the doctors hang out.

Where is that?

Bars, golf courses.

Golf course, bar. All right. What else? Hospital!

Try that too.
Active Ink Slinger
Cannonball Run

“Enough! You are, all of you are beneath me! I am a god, you dull creature, and I will not be bullied by...”


“Puny god.”

Hey, Uncle Scar. Guess what?

I despise guessing games.

I'm going to be King of Pride Rock.
Active Ink Slinger
The Lion King

I’m really a nice guy. If I had friends you could ask them.
Quote by CleverFox
The Lion King

I’m really a nice guy. If I had friends you could ask them.

Are you sure that quote is from a movie?

"Amid the chaos of that day, when all I could hear was the thunder of gunshots, and all I could smell was the violence in the air, I look back and am amazed that my thoughts were so clear and true, that three words went through my mind endlessly, repeating themselves like a broken record: you're so cool, you're so cool, you're so cool. And sometimes Clarence asks me what I would have done if he had died, if that bullet had been two inches more to the left. To this, I always smile, as if I'm not going to satisfy him with a response. But I always do. I tell him of how I would want to die, but that the anguish and the want of death would fade like the stars at dawn, and that things would be much as they are now. Perhaps. Except maybe I wouldn't have named our son Elvis."
Active Ink Slinger
Cuddlybear got it right.
Primus Omnium
True Romance

Appeal to their emotions. Make them laugh; make them cry; make them mad, even if they get mad at you. But for heaven's sake, don't try to improve their minds.

The general who became a slave. The slave who became a gladiator. The gladiator who defied an emperor. Striking story!
But now, the people want to know how the story ends. Only a famous death will do.
And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena?

You would fight me?

Why not? Do you think I am afraid?

I think you've been afraid all your life.

Not with that shirt. I said, not with that shirt. Welcome to my party, handsome.
Active Ink Slinger


Doesn’t it give you a thrill of hope, George?

Hope for what, Henry?

Well with the war in Europe and the new weapons being invented all of the time, why, what if men were actually foolish enough to destroy themselves completely? Then, you see, the fish in the ocean would develop into a new race of men and, well, this time they might turn out better, you see?
I loved this movie!

"They told me there was nothing out there, nothing to fear. But the night my parents were murdered I caught a glimpse of something.
I've looked for it ever since. I went around the world, searched in all the shadows.
And there is something out there in the darkness, something terrifying, something that will not stop until it gets revenge."

The only big fight we've had in years is about whether to go back into couples therapy.