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Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Quote by aussie_kitty77
A brand new computer that has unlimited internet access and battery power so he can stay online as long as he wants
A year long payed trip to anywhere she wish to go smile
free rent, money and groceries for the rest of his life.
or 3 million dollars.
ur giving that much to everyone ill just give u a coke
A pigs ear to chew on :P
Active Ink Slinger
A big piece of
bullets but no gun black powder but no casings
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Many people to help with the move
A book of naughty pics
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
Hmmm giggles maybe I should give you a book of naughty jokes
A book of naughty kitten books
new pick up lines so he has better luck with the ladies
Quote by southernwolf
new pick up lines so he has better luck with the ladies
<----- Don't need any :P I just need some paper and a pen and time alone from you :P

I would give Kat a year long payed trip around the world so she can do whatever she likes without no worries, work, etc. etc.
A light so you can write your lines in the dark.
Active Ink Slinger
A peaceful place where it is always middle of the night for you to write
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
a week long holiday so you can relax and do whatever you want
a gun and a list lmao
A trip to pyongyang
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
an all expense trip around the world to visit all his friends
A ticket for you to take the same kind of trip
Active Ink Slinger
His tailfeathers back I bit off hehehehe
Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
The latest wifi connected laptop computer with unlimited internet smile
Eternal happiness
a pet dinosaur
A nightlight so he won't be scared of Kat hiding under his bed with her little kitten claws out :P
Active Ink Slinger
Your bedtime story: once apon a time there was this cat named Big11, he was running everywhere spouting his funny words.
Then along came this wolf named Sin, apparently your sense of humor she did not find funny smile
She opened her jaws with all those teeth and ate you down, mmmmm but you were yummy.
lmao have a great day
A breath mint because her wolfie breath smells :P
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Big11
A breath mint because her wolfie breath smells :P
oh so wrong lol

That drink he asked me out for loll