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Active Ink Slinger
2 cans of baked beans.All Gold
Kweli ? What are marigolds?
Pole I dont understand
When You Don't Feel Like Smiling, Smile Anyway
Active Ink Slinger
pair of tickets to watch championship rodeo!!
Active Ink Slinger
Business class ticket to capetown south africa to check out the Great White Sharks
When You Don't Feel Like Smiling, Smile Anyway
Active Ink Slinger
I give myself 2 return tickets to Dubai...
Plus 2 return tickets to the philipines.
Plus i give me FYLINE JOY
When You Don't Feel Like Smiling, Smile Anyway
Quote by burnt7
2 cans of baked beans.All Gold
Kweli ? What are marigolds?
Pole I dont understand

Pole Sana...."Marigolds" are rubber gloves (that posh ladies use if they have to do the washing up)

Kweli? huna marigolds South Africa?

I'll bake him a cake and some cookies, then he can decide if they are safe to consume
A big hug and long chats and wishes of nothing but happiness.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AriesDragon
A big hug and long chats and wishes of nothing but happiness.

What she said ... returned to her.
Forum Facilitator
extra pair of clean drawers for our ghost hunt...
Forum Facilitator
An invite to join Fuzz and me in Sallie House...
Some super hero pants so he doesn't have to stay "commando" permanently

Forum Facilitator
I already have those.. do you have anything in a leopard print or possibly days of the week on them? Makes it easier to remember to put them on..

AD gets a shopping spree at Undies Galore..
I used my shopping spree and came back with a few little choice items for you too...

These hot little numbers are for your nights out on the town...

These are so you can remember which day it is...

this is especially for your trips to the beach...

and because I love elephants so much... I couldn't resist getting these too...
Forum Facilitator
Those are a very nice selection of undies AD.. unfortunately I don't have any shoes that go with them.. could you use Fuzzy's AmEx card and get me some loafers and a six-pack of white business socks please..

Oh.. and pick up something for yourself..
Rest in Peace
i would give you a smile dreamcatcher,
Forum Facilitator
ahhhhhh.. the perfect gift..

and I would offer you the next dance..
Active Ink Slinger
I'm gonna get you a mocking bird

But if that mocking bird don't sing
I'm gonna get you a pretty ring

And if that pretty ring gets broke
I'm gonna get you a billy goat

And if that billy goat don't pull
I'm gonna get you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull turns over
I'm gonna get you a monster named Grover

And if that monster won't make you laugh
I'm gonna get you a tall giraffe

And if that giraffe should fall down
You'll still be the nicest lady in town.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
I give you a boat, which should stay afloat.
If it don't...
well then a castle with a moat.
if it were to be breeched.
then maybe a day at the beach.
if you were to get burned.
perhaps this lovely urn.
should it be smashed into ash.
here just take this cash.
buy something nice!
Active Ink Slinger
Wisdom to see the dreams caught come true.
I just keep hopping from place to place.
I never stay too long.
I just keep moving singing a song.
So you better stop me if you want to chat.
Or you will never know where I am at.
Active Ink Slinger
super sized lily pad complete with bountiful treats for a frog to eat!
A huge hug and lots of chocolate cupcakes