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Quote by CKAcres
A round trip ticket to anywhere she would like to travel.

gosh.. where would I go? decisions decisions... lol. Thank you

I'll give CK a massive slice of the gooey chocolate cake that I baked last night
Active Ink Slinger
CK's massive slice of cake will never make it to his plate....cause I've already stolen it away!!

I'll give AD a 'run for her money' in these silly, fun forum games.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by AriesDragon
Quote by CKAcres
A round trip ticket to anywhere she would like to travel.

gosh.. where would I go? decisions decisions... lol. Thank you

I'll give CK a massive slice of the gooey chocolate cake that I baked last night

You do know the way to my heart, chocolate is one of my weaknesses, yumm thank you.

Rick I will share with you hope you left me some ;)

I will gift you a ticket to the tractor pulls and plowing competition. (All with antique tractors of course.)
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
i gift you some more chocolate cake to share with.
That snoop is quite a cheeky fellow, pilfering CK's choccie cake....

I gift a pitch pipe to blow before the wolves sing capella
Active Ink Slinger
A spring picnic in a place of her choosing.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Quote by fuzzy1954
the gift to change into lioness form
and run wild in your countryside free

That would be wonderful.. the only problem is our lions are being killed at such an alarming rate, almost on a par with Rhino's, that I may not run free for too long before my bones get turned into soup in the far east and my head and coat become trophies....

I'll give CK a pair of leg warmers to wear under his scratchy monks robes
I give you a sanctuary for your lions and others that are endangered!
a ticket to an anime movie marathon
Active Ink Slinger
a LARGE box of Milk Bone treats for her howling wolves!!
His own cake so he doesn't have to eat someone else's.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't know what she needs or wants, but I'll gift her a warm smile and maybe a kiss on the cheek if she'll let me.
An apple for his nag... and Rick can have one too else he may eat hers (like he did with the cake for CK)
Active Ink Slinger
I will give her a warm hello and a hug.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
I give him a wave hello
Active Ink Slinger
A nice chocolate cake, topped with Bounty bars.

Careful snoop doesn't get it first, he likes chocolate cake.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
I give him a thank you for just being here to talk.
Primus Omnium
I give her a thanks for allowing me to be included in her talks occasionally.
A holiday in my part of the world, then he can see all the beauty for himself
A big big hug
a moon for the wolves to howl at
Looks like Alpha got the Lyrid Meteor Shower that "they" said was on tonight.....

I'll give him a telescope so he can see those stars even better
Give Aries a target to let fly those arrows
give him a fork lift so he can rearrange his stones a bit
Quote by AlphaDaedalian11

Awwwwwww.... are you a sweetheart, a gorgeous little cutsie woodsie asian elie... Thank you...

now you have just raised the bar....

so I'll give you the new Canon D600