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Forum Game...Define the word above...

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Hey StoriesSpacians...this is actually fairly simple, and you should have fun with theory at least...

Simply make up a word...anything, probably the more ridiculous the better, and the next person defines it and uses it in a sentence...

For instance...say the person above me left me the word banananimal

I might write...

Banananimal: n. a rare, yellow, monkey-like creature that lives in fruit trees.

And for a sentence...I might come up with something ridiculous like:

The local zoo noticed its only bananimal had escaped, causing the local press to dub it as the first "bananimal split."

OK, I think you get the idea....
Here is your word: Sharkestrian

Good luck...and have fun...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Sharkestrain... a train that belongs to Sharke
All the neighborhood boys gathered to play with Sharkestrain.

Your word is Tiggertrigger
One day at a time is enough. Don't look back and grieve the past, it's gone... don't be troubled about the future it has yet to come... live in the present and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.
Tiggertrigger: A keyword that causes some fictional characters to launch into unstoppable fits of bouncing and "Hoo hoo hoo-ing".

The next word is Infinitiny.

Infinitiny - a trickery word which you tell your lover so they think you love them to infinity but really its only a little bit. Usually used when your mad at your lover.

"I love you to Infinitiny."

Next word: Collinginistic
Gral: (colloquial) The noise made by a redneck dog that's not sure if he wants to actually bark at you or go back to sleep on the front porch.

Ex: "That Yeller dawg sure got a mean gral when he wonts to..."

Next word: Passetry
Passetry is a type of disease you get when you make to much pasty ha ha passetritis!

Next word is Scrubulush
Do you want the dirty version or the clean version of this word??

Clean - A soft scrub brush that brings the blush to your cheeks when used.
Dirty - The scrub brush that makes ..... uhmmm (you know) ... oh so Lushious for ... uhmmm (you know) .... LOL

Next word is "Dongish"
dongish- the state of mind when someone starts to act like a 'penis' but is not completely there. dongish

the next word is hallufanenum
Hallufanenum- /Hal- LOO- fun- EN-um/ 1) n. Referring to the state of confusion brought about by one believing your life is actually an hallucination and illusion.
2) Refusal to deal with what you don't like in your life by accepting it as an illusion and therefore disbelieving its reality.

Quote: Doctor: "Mrs. Johnson, I'm sorry to inform you that your husband is in an utter hallufanenum and refuses to acknowledge your existence."

Next word: Randomite

Randomite - a small bit of spatial-time infraction occuring randomly but with mighty consequences.

Sentence (it's long,more like a story lol)

Many scientists believe incorrectly that the big bang was caused by colliding planets (idiot human scientists)The big bang was actually caused by two Aliens from the Sparceki Nebula, a game of chicken with two battle cruisers and a faulty space break. This randomite explosion caused a chain reaction that created the big bang and all life in this galaxy.

New Poem out

The Observer
Blangtastic- /Blang- tass- TICK/
1) Adj. The description given to one who is "gangsta" and is decked out in "bling" from head to toe.
2) N. Collective noun referring to a unit of seven or more gangster "wannabes" of indeterminate intelligence and adolescent age.

1)"Damn straight ma nizzle, fo' shizzle dat bro is BLANGTASTIC!"
2) "The police are investigating a gruesome multiple homicide after two blangtastic of youngsters has been murdered in a fortnight."

Next word:

Quote by Maximus
Next word: Freddlation

A popular, multi-liquor shot drink. It's origins have been traced to Spacer's Nightclub in Fredericksberg, Virginia. Circa 1983.

Equal parts bourbon, vodka, gin, rum, scotch and ale. For extra zing, add one eyelash from the bartender!

Ted had managed to maintain a semblance of sobriety through fifteen chugged pints, but it was the four Freddlations which finally did him in.

Next up:

Tell me a fact and I’ll learn. Tell me a truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever. I heard this from Steve Sabol about his father.
Vitrapes, of course, is a new vitamin enriched grape wine which promises to forever take the guilt out of sitting around drinking all day...

"She knew her husband would have something to say when he came home and saw she had polished off four bottles of wine, but since it was the new, healthy Vitrapes she would just tell him to go kiss off..."

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Spongetarianism- /Sponj- tear- EEYAN- izm/
1) N. A form of government that is extremely lax but also consumes much from its own economy- like a sponge.
2) Related words: Spongetarian.

Quote: "My school is such a place of Spongetarianism, all they want is the money."

New word: Lotophormaticon

The technical name for those LOTs oph balloons that take Phorm into shapes of animals/objects. (too hard for kids to pronounce!)

Next word: Kwafillie
the newest menu item at Dennys. A kid's waffle in the shape of a female horse. (they tried a male horse, but the ahem kept falling off).

both of the Smith children wanted the kwafillie for breakfast.

New word - spnifering
We don't know how much we don't know.
Spnifering- the attempt to spy on your target while having a cold.

That man tried spnifering on me today... until he sneezed.

New word- fliadle
fliadle - the practice of yodeling while being tossed off a roof

Fazool- a very fuzzy tool; very ineffective.

I tried using my fazool kit to fix the sink... I had to call a plumper instead.

Ridtolling. n. A toll collector who hates the company he works for, trying to rid himself of customers.

I wasn't able to get through, thanks to the ridtolling who was working at the booth.

Here's your word: Brutilious
Brutilious- a brutal victory

The wrestler was brutilious

ratifloggle - a tiny whip used to herd rodents..

Mufflebuckler- an belt buckle that muffles the wearer; great for nagging wives, and insensitive boyfrien

That mufflebuckler works wonders, I can now hear myself think for once!

Clasoweed - is crabgrass that grows in a rich person's yard

Klumnaltac- an alto singer attempting to sing soprano.

She's a klumnaltac, alright.

Zoobuzu - a cardio exercise program requiring you to run naked through the zoo at feeding time with pork chops tied around your neck

Framus ~ a loud ongoing noise inside a person's ear. Caused by sniffing to many markers.

Oh don't mind him, he's cranky because he has framus again.

Here's your word: Clatringgon
Clatringgon - the act of hiding under trestles and breaking wind as a train passes over.

Katherine just missed the train and her clatringgon would mean an unpleasant ride back home.
