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as Larry came in from his early morning surf, water dripping he turns on his PC and to his dismay Reb was stand at the end of the line. Wendy was flying about on her pixie wings. Reading on SS he does not hear the front door open. In walks his love, his soul mate Hey Larry??

Please read my latest poem to honour all who have served

Bitch Called Nam

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Each evening, Carl would sit on his porch drinking lemonade from his favorite mason jar. The glass somehow keeping the sugary sour ade pure and refreshing. The ice causing condensation to drip from the base as he drank in long gulps to ease the heat of the declining sun. His eyes always falling on the fields of wheat before him. The tops swaying in the breeze in synchronized waves in an ebb and flow motion. It reminded him of his love of the sea.
Dreamcatcher was the master of imagination, and whenever darkness and evil invaded, the one on the front battle lines is him. With a was of his hand dreams, hopes, and excitement aided him to fend off the forces of evil and the dreams of the innocent remained pure.
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Seine started running. She knew she had to hurry. The moon was rising and it wouldn't be long now. Her heart began beating hard and fast as her two legs vaulted her high in the air over the fallen redwood. Then just as the full moon cleared the horizon, her howl bellowed through the forest as she landed on all four legs. The hunt was on.
Nice one!

Okay... Larry was treading along one night, the scent of fresh dew surrounded him. Everything was pieceful and at ease. All around were dark houses filled with dreams and inspiration. He opens the door to one and on the other side was a child riding a horse along the beach free and wild. Gentally he shut the door, and continued his guard.
Seine had been busy in her kitchen baking when she hears a knock at the door. Quickly washing her hands she rushes to answer it. Unlocking it, she opens the door and is wonderfully surprised to see Rick standing there. She moves forward and gives him a hug before inviting him in. Rick follows Seine back into the kitchen were she offers him a drink of Iced Tea and some of the Brownies she had made earlier. Rick gladly accepts and they have a wonderful visit.
Wendy wakes up to waves crashing on the rocks. The smell of brine and salt in the air, the annoying squawking of seagulls above her head. She gives her mighty tail a flap, her dolphin friends rushing to check on her, for she never comes so close to land. Hesitantly, she looks around to see if anyone had noticed her in her slumber. With a sigh of relief, she sinks back down into the cold sea, and takes off to deeper waters with her friends.
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Spreading her wings the wind lofts her higher and higher until the mist of the clouds form pearls upon her face. She looks down into the great distance below and can see how small life is to some, and how great it can be to others. With the smallest collapse of one feather on her wings she hurtles back to earth.
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being known as a great writer here on Stories drives you. sitting in deep thought before him a blank screen waiting his entry .
it will be a long evening till,his in box lights up. your love has sent you a message. your heart sings as you read . your next
poem or story is so far away as you click reply

Please read my latest poem to honour all who have served

Bitch Called Nam

The brave lion stood there, ready for the fight to begin. Surrounding him were a pack of wolves, their alpha a mighty warrior and stronger then the rest. With a loud eerie howl, she called for a parley, no one wants to fight today. The lion faced the alpha wolf, and began the negotiation, she struck a huge bargain and her pack claimed the right to hunt on the lion's territory. 'Oh what a generous lion,' were her parting words. The lion went back to his pride and was met by a warm welcome.
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Lions and wolves.. oh my.. but they forgot about the old bear.. a grizzly bearing scars from long ago battles.. who shall rule the hunt? the majestic lion of mane and roar? the elegant wolf of fang and grace? or the old bear of tattered dreams? He watched as the shewolf rose in her glistening coat and stood royally against the rising moon.. and he knew..
The old grizzly wandered around the forest one day, deciding to avoid a confrontation with the wolves. At a small slow stream he soon saw. The alpha wolf, alone and resting for awhile. For a moment there were shocked to see the other, but started a light conversation. They found common ground and left the stream as friends.
Forum Facilitator
leaving the woods with a new friend the alpha came to a clearing. the full moon dancing off the trees behind her,the queen she wolf. standing in the clearing stood a group humans. seeing the she wolf they tilted their heads back and howled to the full moon. they have found the one they had heard of. the she wolf stood as they all transformed into wolves. with a smile then a long soulful howl she welcome more to her pack

Please read my latest poem to honour all who have served

Bitch Called Nam

The majestic lion was perched on a high flat rock overlooking the rest of his pride. In the distance he saw the thick, lush, forest just waiting to he conquered. The land of tigers and bears, and under the domain of the wolves. But lions were the king of the jungle, and he sought out to claim what was rightfully his.
Active Ink Slinger
From a place she comes,and to a place she goes.
The desire to Love and Be Loved is never to fade.The numbers 6 and 9 holds no meaning... Nor does male and female,except one is Mom and the other is Dad.Thief Brother,Distant Sister ,Bloody Maths, Shitty Life ,Cool Sneakers,Blue Jeans and Banknotes !'
Sunday lunches, cool job ,drunk boss,own place,cute guys,old lovers,baby boy,same family,more atttached,less stress,i choose,this way,im boss,i say,stop crying,do your homework,inlaws dying,Masters Crying.
No Wait..
That doesn't make any sense.
What the....KFC ?

(Please note:Salt Needed)
When You Don't Feel Like Smiling, Smile Anyway
Burnt7 was an explosion of ideas, so many it was hard to capture one single idea and write it down. He would follow one idea, only to be sidetracked by another. Soon it was a knotted mess. Will somebody save him? Will he be able to save him himself? I have faith he will.
Active Ink Slinger
The Rebel Is Right Even When She's Wrong.
Surprizingly True , I Must Wonder For How Long.
3Rebel4 Comes Knocking On A Door.
What Lies Before Her Is But Memories On The Floor.
Call Upon The Year You Shed Your First Tear.Do You Remember How You Appeared Right Here.
Something's Not Right If The Rebel No Has None To Fight.
3Rebel4 Open Up,There's A Boogey Man At Your Door.
When You Don't Feel Like Smiling, Smile Anyway
Shadows of the past left forgotten.
rise up and becomes overwhelming but you fight against them.
past the darkness in your mind, you prevail in the light.
goals are achieved and a happy life well lived.
Shy he is, and just a tad bit quite. But the spot light shines and he stands forth. Ready to due battle and create a wonderful piece for all others to see.
The cold chill of winter seeps into her bones, a small whimper emanating from her mouth, her breath showing in white huffs. Her ears twitch, desperate to pick up the sound of a howl or cry from the pack, all to no avail. She sniffs the air wildly, growing more and more anxious to find her friends. A lost pup in the harsh winter. She digs at the ground in her frustrations, her paws pounding against the frozen earth. She runs across the tundra, searching and searching, until she stops. She sits down, watching the little flakes of snow drift down. She realizes that she doesn't need the pack to be a wolf, but she only needs herself. With a regained confidence, rebel stands on all fours and hold her head high, throwing it back to howl. The howl not one of sorrow, but that of a reborn wolf, steady on her feet.
On silent feet, and bow in hand, she stealthily sneaked into the enemy camp. Her tiger beside her waiting to pounce on any target. She swiftly takes out the guards and goes further into the camp. Someone shouts an alarm and panic breaks lose. Her tiger takes down the man who screamed the alarm. She release arrow after arrow as the enemy poured in. Her target was swiftly fleeing the scene with the gold. Her gold. After the pawn were down she looked into the distance to see the thief's cart. She let loose a lit arrow and watched it soar through the sky. The cart then turned into a blazing fireball.
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Alone she must walk.. always leading.. never following.. her path new.. fresh.. trodding in solitary thought and purpose.. unfettered by social obligations or duty.. life is lonely for the Queen..
Forum Facilitator
going home, going home he muses on the Greyhound Express. Tree after tree fly by his window. His great great grandmother waits with his totem at her feet.
Knowing with the magical harvest moon, he will claim his place with his tribe. The wander fulfills this journey to lead his tribe to greatness. Looking up the Greyhound Express pulls into the Pueblo

Please read my latest poem to honour all who have served

Bitch Called Nam

Into the forest the lion's pride prowls. The lust green Mose was soft on their paws. The tall arching canopies of the trees casted shadows on their back, shading them from the sun. They broke through the threshold of the wolves domain. Tensions are brewing. What will the forest becomes?
Active Ink Slinger
Ashes and dust and darkness then light..
This will be the forests plight.When the wolve's stop howling and night rests in silence..Some thunder , a blast of Valak Boom , Will be the dreadful start of an awful doom.
Where will they run ,what will they do,if only the magic of the forest was something ever so new...
When You Don't Feel Like Smiling, Smile Anyway
Forum Facilitator
the howl of the sirens people running for shelter. You stand tall as they push and run away from you. With a smile you turn to the sea seeing the flash. The last word from you is beautiful as the mushroom cloud spreads .

Please read my latest poem to honour all who have served

Bitch Called Nam

The lion stands his ground, determined not to be moved. One by one the people pass by, flashes of light going off, blinding him. He gives a roar of frustration, only to be met by more of the horrific flashing. He walks up to the glass, his nose pressed against it, trying to intimidate the humans, to no avail. Defeated, he walks back to his cave, crawling up inside and drifting off to sleep.
The midnight flight was exhilarating for this young fairy. She glided high in the sky with the moon on her wings. She stroked the clouds and dipped low to the ground. She watched her reflection as she darted over the bay. Soon the was hungry and flew home for dinner.
Forum Facilitator
Quote by SpreadMyWings
The lion stands his ground, determined not to be moved. One by one the people pass by, flashes of light going off, blinding him. He gives a roar of frustration, only to be met by more of the horrific flashing. He walks up to the glass, his nose pressed against it, trying to intimidate the humans, to no avail. Defeated, he walks back to his cave, crawling up inside and drifting off to sleep.

L O L loved it!!!

the howl of wolfs in the far off distance. She pulls back the blanket moving to the window. The full moon bright in the winter sky. She feel strange. Then with every breath she hurts. As she walks to the mirror, she sees hair growing out of her hands. Looking closer in the mirror she howls to her pack. They wait under her window.

Please read my latest poem to honour all who have served

Bitch Called Nam