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Search-SE= arch
Arch + ms = Charms
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
charms= marchers
charms= marchers
Marchers - hr = Scream
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Scream - am = Scores
Scores +re = Sorcerers
Sorcerers - or = Recross
Recross -sr = Score
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Score + ot = Scooter
scooter-er= scoot
Scoot - so = Cot
Cot +ta= cotta
cotta+ ge= cottage
Cottage - go = Tacet (Tacet is Latin for "it is silent". It is a musical term to indicate that an instrument or voice does not sound.)
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
tacet +il = tactile
Tactile - let = Tacit
Tacit - it = cat
Creates - er = Caste
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"
Caste + kr = Stacker
Quote by elizabethblack
Stacker - sr =Tackle

Oops. Elizabeth... where did that 'l' come from?


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Quote by AnnaMayZing
Quote by elizabethblack
Stacker - sr =Tackle

Oops. Elizabeth... where did that 'l' come from?


Shhhh,, let's keep this between ourselves. Maybe I had too much cider or something - or was very tired - or.............

Taker + re = retaker
Retaker - ke = Terra
Terra - be = Berater
Berater — ar > Beret
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4:12
Quote by elizabethblack
Shhhh,, let's keep this between ourselves. Maybe I had too much cider or something - or was very tired - or.............
Taker + re = retaker

Mum's the word.

Beret + ld = Trebled

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Trebled - td - Rebel
"Them ain't no militia, that's the Army of the Potomac!"