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Forum Posting Rules

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The intention of the Stories Space forums is to provide an arena where those with common interests can share their ideas, experiences, information and just enjoy interacting with one another in a relaxed and light-hearted environment. Please keep your posts polite, on topic and respectful to fellow members, regardless of whether or not you agree with their opinions.

Some guidelines to remember:

- Be civilized and considerate to staff and other members.

- Keep messages on-topic and post new threads in the appropriate forums.

- Remember you alone are responsible for what you type.

- Name the source of your information if you're posting exceprts from other mediums.

- Refrain from swearing and engaging in personal attacks on other members. Remember, if you must criticise, criticise the idea, not the person.

- Avoid posting anything personal/racial/ethnic/gender-based insults, slurs or offensive comments.

- No advertising.

- Please do not post contact details such as phone numbers, physical address details, email addresses or any other type of contact details like website addresses, Instant Messenger IDs etc.

- Make sure not to post in all capitals.

- Please do not use these forums for personal disputes, heated debates, flame wars etc. Take any personal disputes to a private mode of discussion off the forums.

- Sometimes people can write something that you may find offensive. Before launching into a public condemnation though, please consider that the person may not have intended to cause offence. It is very easy to misinterpret a post on forums.

- No trolling. What is a troll? It's a person who posts something which is bound to stir people up and then sits back and watches as dozens of people jump in and start arguing. Sometimes trolls get their friends to join in or post under different names.

- Linking to or promoting competing story sites anywhere on Stories Space is disallowed and may result in your account being banned.

- No threadjacking. Threadjacking is a deliberate attempt at steering a discussion away from the original topic by bringing up another, which may or may not be relevant to the content of original post.

- Ignore spammers.