I enjoyed them all, but TNG was my fav.
Do not care as much for the new Star Trek 'alternate reality' movies with J.J. Abrams. Action is great, but poor plot and character development compared to the originals.
Some of the fan films are really pretty good.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there. I enjoyed all of them eventually. The original I loved immediately, but the others had to grow on me..
TNG The characters were brilliant, all of them. Such a strong cast and great story lines.
The Next Generation. By then it had grown up and developed into a convincing reality. And one can never get enough of Jean-Luc Picard.
How the hell is a Star Trek fan supposed to answer this question??? I just can't decide.
Looks like I'm just gonna join the chorus - TNG for the win, thanks to...well, everything, really, but mostly JLP.
Spock and the gang from the original series are pretty good, too...but just never felt the love for that Kirk guy...
I cannot toss aside my lifelong love for the original series.
Yes, of course TNG was better: it had better scripts, better actors and more money thrown at it, so it HAD to succeed.
It's a bit unfair including the movies as an option. They are a different thing altogether. My fave is and always has been Wrath of Khan
Fond as I am of the original, Next Generation far exceeded it on almost every front for a good chunk of its 7 season run.
The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.
Dash - Writer's Block competition entry
The Next Generation. Not every episode was great, but I have watched most of them more than once. The first encounter with the Borg in the Q Who? episode was when the show (to me) started to find the right formula.
It was hard to pick a favorite but I'm go with Star Trek Voyager... Some espiodes werent great but it was fun to watch the characters develop over time.
I've watched tons of Star Trek series and the movies..