And, yes, I have contemplated writing my own Batman stories but nothing has ever come of it. There are so many writers and filmmakers who have tackled the character, that it is hard to find something that has not been done before by someone.
The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.
Dash - Writer's Block competition entry
I was a fan of the darker, edgier Bat-stories for a time. Loved The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, for instance. However, I kind of think that has run its course and maybe getting back to a detective Batman or Batman as a crusader against crime and corruption without the angst and grim vengeance-seeking is due. Still, Matt Reeves did some great stuff with the Planet of the Apes trilogy so I am certainly not writing this one off.
The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.
Dash - Writer's Block competition entry
Personally, I like the darker edgier Batman. I think he should be judge, jury and executioner. The problem with nice guy Batman is we all know that criminals rarely feel the weight of the law with lawyers and judges and corrupt legal processes. So why bother arresting them?
I was a big fan of the kitschy camp show of the 1960s when they came out as afterschool reruns. I became more of a Marvel Comics fan than DC in my teens so after my obsession with the Adam West show ended, so did my interest in the character. I did enjoy the Keaton films but that was more just as a movie buff than as a Batman fan. The animated series was great though. Perfect for a non-fan to just enjoy good escapist storytelling.
I watched each of the Nolan films once and while I liked them while watching them, I never felt inclined to rewatching them. I'll catch the new one for sure. Again more as a film buff, and the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed Matt Reeves' Planet of the Apes series, rather than needing to see another Batman movie.
I think at this point, the formula to showing Batman as a gritty, hardboiled crime fighter who is brooding and dark is inescapable. Not surprising since if there's been any superhero that has been burdened with the scars from slipping into campiness, it's him. I think the powers that be are scared to bring any sort of lightness to him for fear of that.
On a side note, I don't understand the love for Joker (the movie).
My favorite and most interesting Batman movie was the original 'Batman' premiered in 1943 during WWII. WWII played a considerable influence in the series. 'Batman' was a propaganda piece against the Japanese full or racist stereotypes. It is an excellent study of how the government used media as a propaganda tool. The movie was distributed as a weekly serial series, one chapter each week for the 15 chapter series. Actor Lewis Wilson played Batman. He was the first live-action Batman.
The series was re-released in 1965 and usually using all 15 episodes as an afternoon matinee. The re-release was very popular, especially in college towns due to its campy nature. Less than a year later, 'Batman' starring Adam West, made its TV debut, which, bit by bit, led to the plethora of Batman and Batman-related movies, TV shows, and video games.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there. Oo, someone who has seen the old movie serial Batman. You get major cool points from me for that. I'll should see if it is floating around on Youtube or something.
The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.
Dash - Writer's Block competition entry