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Badges are assigned to users when they reach specific milestones


Editors pick award
56 Awarded
The Moderating prowess is strong with this one
2 Awarded
Recommended read award
104 Awarded
An author of an outstanding chapter story
1 Awarded


Second or third place in one of our competitions
21 Awarded
Featured in the top 10 of a story competition
15 Awarded
The winning author for a story in one of our competitions
15 Awarded
Contestant in one of our story competitions
217 Awarded


500 posts in forum
55 Awarded
10k posts in forum
3 Awarded


Featured in the top 3 authors of the month
27 Awarded
Featured in the top 3 of the month
29 Awarded

Member Active

Active member for a year
180 Awarded
An active member for over 5 years
2.0k Awarded
An active member for over 10 years
855 Awarded

Member Level

Silver Member
0 Awarded
Gold Member
5 Awarded
Platinum Member
3.1k Awarded
3 Awarded
10 Awarded


Completed all user profile fields
68 Awarded
Profile page with over 100,000 views
0 Awarded

Stories Published

Published a story
838 Awarded
Published more than 50 stories
23 Awarded
Published more than 100 stories
17 Awarded
Published more than 250 stories
5 Awarded
Published more than 500 stories
1 Awarded
Published more than 1000 stories
0 Awarded
Co-authored 3+ stories
5 Awarded
Published a poem
474 Awarded
Published stories in 80%+ of our categories
0 Awarded
Has published a story across all our categories
1 Awarded

Story Views

Published a story with over 30,000 views
3 Awarded
Published a story with over 100,000 views
0 Awarded
Received over 1 million views on their stories
0 Awarded
Received over 10 million views on their stories
0 Awarded


3 Awarded
Bug Slayer
5 Awarded
50 story comments
167 Awarded
Voted 100 stories
102 Awarded
Visited the site each day for 30 consecutive days
175 Awarded
Publish an audio version of their story with over 50,000 listens
0 Awarded
A volunteer to welcome new members to the site
3 Awarded
The most awesomest member in the land
0 Awarded
Kitten at Heart
1 Awarded
More than 500 followers.
0 Awarded
0 Awarded
Have more than 100 friends.
8 Awarded
A ninja assassin dedicated to the eradication of spam
4 Awarded
Publish an audio version of their story
22 Awarded